Elementary school
1st through 6th Grade; for students 6 to 12 years old
growing powerful future leaders dedicated to lifelong learning
As our students grow, our programs grow with them.
Characterized by expansive lessons designed to spark inspiration and imagination, an emphasis on student-directed projects, and measured by an increasing move toward abstract thinking, our offerings for your child in first through sixth grade are both unique and grounded in tried and true methods.
Unlock your child’s ultimate potential in the Trinity Montessori School Elementary Academy.

Our teachers carry accredited Montessori certifications. We do not sacrifice state standards and excel beyond traditional schools.
We have a customized approach to learning that provides a multi-age environment focused on collaboration over competition.
We emphasize materials over textbooks that are purposefully designed to stimulate the child's interest and natural desire to learn.
preparing tomorrow’s citizens
Trinity Montessori School is committed to providing the finest education found in Charleston SC, in alignment with the methodologies of Dr. Maria Montessori.
Our Elementary School de-emphasizes high-pressure, one-off testing environments, instead inviting students into a world that preserves the joy in learning into adulthood.
More Programs
12 weeks to 18 months of age
18 months to 3 years of age
3 to 6 years of age; or, 3K, 4K, and Kindergarten